Learn more about us

Our Origin and Growth

The Unitas Fratrum, or Moravian Church, is that branch of the Christian Church which began its distinct life at Kunvald in Bohemia in the year 1457.

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Vocation of the Unitas Fratrum

The Unitas Fratrum lives by the gifts which the Lord has given His Church on earth: His Word and the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.

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The Ground of the Unity

With the whole of Christendom we share faith in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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Essential Features of the Unity

The Unitas Fratrum was called into being by God as a Church which stresses fellowship. After its apparent destruction in the land of its origin, it was renewed in Herrnhut, Germany.

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Witness of the Unitas Fratrum

The Unitas Fratrum is committed to the unity of the children of God as a reality created by God in Jesus Christ.

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Our Picture Gallery

The Unitas Fratrum has a wealth of images taken by and of our members around the globe.

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Unitas Fratrum

The Unitas Fratrum lives by the gifts which the Lord has given His Church on earth: His Word and the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.

Its vocation is to proclaim His Word to its congregations and to the world and to administer the Sacraments aright.

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